Blast Radius is a tool for reasoning about Terraform dependency graphs through interactive visualizations. Use Blast Radius to:
Below is a typical (small) Terraform configuration: enough to launch a single web server and elastic load balancer. Use the searchbox or mouse to highlight a resource of interest, and its dependencies. Click again to dismiss the tooltip, and highlight dependents.
Install blastradius with pip, and Graphviz with e.g. Homebrew.
[...]$ pip3 install blastradius
[...]$ brew install graphviz
Point Blast Radius at an init-ed Terraform project, and connect with your browser.
[...]$ blast-radius --serve /path/to/terraform-project
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
I've been writing about the development of Blast Radius in a series of blog posts:
Source is hosted on GitHub, as is issue reporting.
Patrick McMurchie (email, about) is a Seattle-resident DevOps Engineer and bicycle enthusiast.